Mine is 17 years old but last year I upgraded the last original parts in it (MB, CPU & RAM) so now only the case is original and I don’t think it counts as the same PC anymore.
Independent thinker valuing discussions grounded in reason, not emotions.
I say unpopular things but never something I know to be untrue. Always open to hear good-faith counter arguments. My goal is to engage in dialogue that seeks truth rather than scoring points.
Mine is 17 years old but last year I upgraded the last original parts in it (MB, CPU & RAM) so now only the case is original and I don’t think it counts as the same PC anymore.
I’ve always assumed that the average user here is around 30 years old.
Either of two things:
Nothing. However, I don’t think most people quite grasp the meaning of that. Kind of how they think that before the big bang there was just empty space. No, empty space is not nothing. There’s no empty space, there’s no time, there’s nothing. By definition it cannot be experienced. Experience simply ends. It’s as if nothing ever happened. The universe could just as well have never existed.
The more optimistic theory is that consciousness is in a way immortal. You can only experience being, not not-being. It’s kind of how when you go under general anesthesia and then wake up it’s quite unlike sleeping. When you’ve slept you have the sense of time having passed in between. With general anesthesia this is not the case. One moment you feel sleepy and then you wake up in another room. From your subjective experience you never lost consciousness to begin with. Whose to say that something similar doesn’t happen with death. Instead of experience ending it just moves elsewhere. It’s a pretty difficult concept to explain but it’s somewhat similar to the idea of quantum immortality.
I forced myself to watch it because everyone said it was so good - it wasn’t. It just never got any better. There was good scenes in it but as a whole it was boring as hell.
I watch like one or two movies a year and very few TV series. I’ve been watching Dexter - Original Sin now, the previous one I watched was Dexter - New Blood and few years back I watched the first season of The Last of Us but I didn’t like it so I never continued with the season two. Before that I watched the Chernobyl mini series and before that Game of Thrones. Suffice to say that you can pretty much name any modern TV serie and I haven’t seen it. I’ve never had Netflix or any other streaming service subscription.
I also don’t listen to radio or have Spotify so I have no clue what the popular songs currently are and ChatGPT is the only app on my phone that’s somewhat new. No games, no social media - nothing. I do occasionally play DayZ on my PC but that’s a 10 year old game as well. I might very well be the most ignorant person when it comes to popular culture that you’ll meet all year.
I’m a general contractor and I hate that I can’t do even the most basic electrical installations. Something like connecting the light for bathroom mirror. I could do it in two minutes for no extra cost to the customer, but now I need to call in a sparky instead and have them charge the customer 60 euros for doing the exact same thing I would have done. I simply just can’t risk it because if something happens the insurance wont cover any of it and it’s all on me. Makes me feel so stupid to tell the customer that I can’t do something this basic.
Well obviously lemmygrad, hexbear and lemmy.ml but besides these usual suspects I find that the most negative encounters I’ve had with people from blahaj.zone and infosec.pub
I’m counting on reaching longetivity escape velocity and never dying. I’m only half-kidding.
This is why Lemmy will never become popular with the mainstream untill these people get their shit together. No sane person wants to browse a feed like mine despite the great lenghts I go attempting to block all politics and rage bait. I can only imagine how bad it is for someone just following the most popular communities and expecting a feed similar to that of Reddit.
If you don’t want to leave then I think the second best option is to keep calling out these users poisoning the platform. Just be aware that there is going to be a lot hate coming your way then. This place is filled to the brim with extremists.
For the most part I keep doing the same things while enjoying it less. Obviously I go outside less but I still do. I gear up, hop onto my bike and ride into the pitch black forrest only to realise this kind of sucks and then I just do a short trip and come back home. Then I forget that it wasn’t that fun and do the same thing again tomorrow.
Absolutely not. I’ll rather choose for myself which content I consume than have the government choose it for me.
Yeah, it could follow several different characters including some that had been prepairing for it as well as ones that hadn’t and give an realistic representation of the things that really matter. Though I stopped watching the Last of Us, I really liked the basebuilding in the episode with Nick Offerman. I could watch multiple seasons of just that too.
I can’t off the top of my mind think of a movie exactly like that, but many Finnish movies have a similar summery vibe to it. Admittedly I have never played that game but I’m somewhat familiar with it.
Personally I’d love to recreate The Walking Dead but I’d want it made much more realistic, slow paced and with less pointless action scenes. I’d want the zombies being the only unrealistic thing on the entire show. It would focus much more on the survival aspect of the zombie apocalypse. It would show things like loot-runs and base building in much greater detail. Instead of the flashy highlights it would be more about the mundane life in the apocalypse. There would be entire episodes where “nothing” happens.
I imagine it would be an extremely boring show for the vast majority of people, but the tiny niche audience of zombie fanatics like myself would absolutely love it. I’d let other people watch it for free (because why not) but it would be made entirely according to my personal preferences with no regard for how it would be received by others.
DaVinci Resolve is professional grade video editing software that’s completely free to use. It lacks some features that the paid version has but this probably doesn’t effect the vast majority of casual users.
There really should be either a mandatory tag for political posts or alternatively strict “no politics” rule on a non-political communities. My feed is like swiss cheese due to the gaps left my my content filters. It’s absolutely insane to think that someone consumes this much Trump and Elon content every day.
It’s around 20 years old, if not older. What’s interesting to me is that when I bought it, I hadn’t done any research - I just walked up to the Leatherman display at the store, fiddled with all of them, and the Wave was the one I liked best. Only 15 years later did I find out it’s one of their best selling models.
The only feature from the newer models I wish it had is one handed operation for the pliers where you can just flick it open like a pocket knife.