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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • What an absurd, ignorant notion. Of course social media has a negative impact on developing minds, but forcing sites to display warnings would have zero positive impact. Browser extensions would immediately pop up to hide those warnings, and if anything, the presence of such warnings would increase kids’ use of social media, since the danger is something even adults had a hard time understanding and kids love to rebel against oppressive systems. The warnings would turn into memes.

    The only answers to this problem are to break up and ban social media companies (not possible) or get parents to actually be parents and teach their kids about the pitfalls of social media.

  • Dishonest, am I? I’ve answered each of your insultingly inane questions as honestly as I can. My answers just aren’t as binary as you were hoping.

    In your grocery store analogy, telling me not to choose plastic may be the same as telling me to choose paper from your perspective, but that ignores the option of choosing neither and taking my items out in the cart to load them into my car without bags.

    You go on to say I should answer yes or no to whether I believe one candidate is worse than the other, but those aren’t the only options. If you insist I use one of those specific words in my answer, then my answer is yes and no. They’re wildly different, but either will likely pull us into World War III. One is more likely to have an immediately harmful effect on a marginalized class, while the other is more likely to have an immediately harmful effect on a different (but not mutually exclusive) marginalized class. There’s no lesser between these two evils; they’re just evil in different ways.

  • Hey, don’t blame me if you can’t understand subtext. I answered all your less-than-inane questions already, just not directly. But fine, here you go:

    Do you agree that it will be one or the other?

    Sadly, most likely, yes.

    Do you agree that one is worse than the other?

    If I wanted a candidate who’s a zero, then they’re 10 and -10. Either way, things will get worse for everyone, just in a different order.

    Do you agree that telling people to not vote for one is the same as shilling for the other?

    No, and the fact that so many people think that is a big part of the problem.

  • “Hey, you should maybe vote for someone who isn’t actively financially supporting the most well-documented genocide in human history.”

    “Hey, this guy wants us to vote for Trump!”

    I mean, yeah, he’s technically less culpable than Biden, but that’s just because he’s not currently in the White House. We all know he would be just as bad as Biden in that particular regard.

    If telling you to vote with your conscience rather than your fear is the same as telling you to vote for Trump, maybe you’re the real Trump supporter.

  • You know the real privilege we all live with? Peace. Not being the targets of mass-murder campaigns.

    So yes, I’d rather things get worse for a small part of our population for a short while if it means we can stop our government from actively funding a literal genocide.

    And not that it’s any of your business, but I am trans (enby) and my partner and I fairly recently (post-2020) narrowly avoided needing an abortion.

  • I don’t really see much of a difference between the parties. You either get blatant evil in Republicans or concealed evil in Democrats. Either way, things will only get worse as long as we’re stuck in this two-party loop.

    I refuse to directly contribute to either of them, so my choices are to not vote or to vote third party. It’s not ideal, but my conscience remains clear.

    I suppose in the trolley problem, I choose secret answer C - throw my wrench on the tracks and hope the trolley derails without causing too much collateral damage.

  • Sorry, dude, but I don’t feel the need to prove I’m not a far-right provocateur simply because I acknowledge that Joe Biden and his administration are knowingly abetting an active genocide. I cannot in good conscience vote for him or anyone who supports Israel’s aggression. If I thought Trump would actually try to stop it, I’d vote for him, but I know he won’t, so no, I don’t prefer Trump.

    I’m normally not a single-issue voter, but there is an immediate risk of an entire culture being wiped out, and while I’m too poor to send any aid myself, if there’s even the tiniest chance that enough people are as done with the left/right, red/blue bullshit as I am to vote for someone who’ll actually try to help, I have to take that chance, infinitesimal though it may be.

    I’d rather live on the false hope of a better world than the false hope of a not-even-worse one. We’re all fucking fucked no matter what we do, so why not hope for the best and act accordingly? Maybe it’ll catch on.

  • He trolls every thread

    Says the person with over 3 times as many comments as me.

    A quick look in my history shows this is the second thread I’ve ever participated in in this community. Why lie? How do you benefit? Lemmy has no account Karma. Do you get some sort of satisfaction out of riling up the other dummies against the common enemy of nuance and understanding? Or are you just so offended by non-extremists invading your echo chamber that you have to lash out?

    The world isn’t black and white. There are at least 50 shades of gray. Probably more. You should try taking off your cool-guy sunglasses and looking around unfiltered. You might like what you see.

  • BumpingFuglies@lemmy.ziptopolitics @lemmy.worldTrump Says Jan. 6 Was an Insurrection
    5 months ago

    That’s not my job. My job as a citizen is to vote for the candidate I believe deserves the position, regardless of party affiliation.

    The only reason Democrats and Republicans rose to the top is thay they once held the most generic, inoffensive views that people from the less popular “third” parties could support when it eventually became clear they didn’t have chance at winning. That’s no longer the case, so why continue voting like it is? Change has to start somewhere, and it sure as hell isn’t going to come from someone who benefits from maintaining the status quo.

    If everybody voted with hope and optimism rather than despair and cynicism, we might have more variety than blue dick vs red asshole.