Have strong opinions, but I welcome any civil fact-based discussion.

Alt account: /u/BrikoX@lemmy.sdf.org

  • 20 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • BrikoX@lemmy.zipMtoCyberpunk@lemmy.zipPantheon
    5 days ago

    Probably one of the best sci-fi shows created in the last few decades. It’s smart, deep, and engaging. You might need to get through a few first episodes if high school drama is not your jam, but after that you will be hooked.

  • BrikoX@lemmy.zipMtoCyberpunk@lemmy.zip[Short Film] Urbance
    5 months ago

    So they never invented condoms in this universe?

    One comment under the video really highlights the plot holes.

    The story and voice acting was not great, but the animation was on point. It was also an interesting choice to animate some scenes in 2s and other in 3s.

  • It bought Borderlands developer Gearbox in February 2021; Star Wars remaster company Aspyr Media in April 2021; 3D Realms and Ghost Ship Games in August 2021, Crystal Dynamics, Eidos-Montréal, and Square Enix Montréal in May 2022; and the rights to The Lord of the Rings franchise in August 2022. Since then, the studio has been a poster child for what happens when you rapidly grow, buy up and then consolidate other companies, and ultimately fail to secure a $2 billion partnership with Saudi Arabia’s public investment fund. In other words: late-stage capitalism.

    It was doomed from the start.

  • Welcome, and I’m definitely okay with this.

    One thing I don’t care about is news articles. Or specifically, what I consider the articles that belong on r/aboringdystopia. I’m interested in cyberpunk as a genre, not the real world going to shit.

    Real world news is outside this community scope. Cyberpunk is science-fiction, fiction part is mandatory.

  • That link on student loan doesn’t really lend credence to the “Biden Backstabbed students on student relief.” Biden’s first plan was broad-based, but again, the conservative US Supreme Court blocked it. That is a direct consequence not of Biden but of putting Republicans in office.

    While the original plan was blocked by court, it was blocked because he used COVID-19 emergency power instead of inherent Department of Education power. And credit where it’s due, he did move to the second plan, but instead of keeping it the same as the first, he lowered the number of people that it covers. So now a bunch of people who submitted for relief under the first plan are not covered, and if you think that doesn’t hurt him, you are delusional.

    I’m not disagreeing, necessarily, but you’re also deflecting the key point in the context of our discussion: Who is going to come down harder on Israel – Biden, or Trump? The tone has already dramatically shifted in just two months from the Biden administration standing lockstep with Israel and their capacity to defend themselves from the admittedly extremely atrocious October 7th attack – to beginning to shift gears and label their attacks, “Indiscriminate bombing” of civilians.

    I think we both know that Biden is more easily influenced under public pressure, but he’s a self-proclaimed Zionist so expecting anything more than verbal warning is naive. Words don’t matter when he’s directly supporting the genocide financially and by blocking ceasefire proposals in the UN.

    True, but we know how polling failed to cover Millennials or Zoomers in both 2020 and 2024. The reality is that Democrats haven’t particularly defended themselves on the economy ahead of the election while right-wing media has gone full-tilt in painting this picture of a completely broken economy when it’s anything but. Per your own study, Inflation is a chief concern; but inflation is objectively falling as well. If that metric continues to decline as the trend suggests, then there is little room for Republicans to make ground except for perhaps Immigration; but that’s a dead-horse beaten every election cycle so I consider that a constant.

    Like I said, from the numbers perspective the economy looks great, but when you actually poll people on their financial situation it gives the opposite results. If that’s just a result of flawed polling, maybe, can’t say.

    Immigration is the biggest joke and the one where reality is irrelevant. Biden literally kept 100% identical policies on immigration as they were under Trump and everyone saying Trump good, Biden bad or vice verse depending on their blind party loyalty.

    Forget the curve-ball that is Trump’s 91 criminal charges across 4 Grand Jury indictments and how that is going to be perceived by swing-voters.

    It’s ironic, because the only stated reason by Biden for running is defeating Trump. He doesn’t even have his policy agenda published anywhere, (yes, really). But the reality is that if Trump gets booted, that’s even worse for Biden, because in polls any other candidate beats him in general elections by more than Trump.